torsdag 7 mars 2019
Granny - mormor
This is a picture noone wants to see. My grandmother is close, but still struggling, she didn't want to leave, I know. She was fighting, literally, only minutes away from dying. One of the worst moments in my life. I told her she could leave, that it was okey. (You are supposed to do that when someone is going, they told me, but I hated it and it was not ok). My heart broke in that moment.
Some of the hardest words I ever said...and how could I bring my camera up to my eye? Judge me. But before you do... take a look at my first book. After that, make your judgement. She was soo important to me. I loved her to the end. And we both fought it. We loved our life together.
I am still here, struggling with my own shit. Miss you, grandmother, so much.
But, I know you are with me, no matter what.
I don't believe in religion, but I believe in love crossing borders between the live and the dead.