tisdag 26 juni 2018
Nature is kind of magic
Something has happened to me this last year. I feel more grounded and I have a need to stop, to see the "small" things that happens around me. I'm full of emotions. Maybe it has to do with my state at the moment.
Outside our bedroom window two magpies started to restore their nest from last year in spring. Clever birds! I like to study them, they are cheeky as well and very intelligent. Now they have little ones and summer is hot. When they feed the little ones they don't fly straight to the nest. No, they start from the ground and slowly climb the tree to reach it and I believe because they don't want to show, for instance, the seagulls, that they have babies. When I throw them the rest of the cheese they act like they are looking for food close to the cheese. "Nothing special here" and then they attack the cheese, as much as they can take, to fly away with it to some secret spot and enjoy. Nature is magic. That is what I have had in mind today.